About me
Maria Böhm
When I came across Tibetan Pulsing in 2006 I had already gathered years of expertise in various methods of working with body and energies, psychotherapeutic methods, and meditation as well as self-awareness.
In Tibetan Pulsing I finally found a gently harmonizing method that induces fundamental changes in the mind through deep relaxation.
Professional Training:
Natural Health Practitioner of Psychotherapy
body oriented psychotherapy and energy work:
- Tibetan Pulsing - working with body and energies
- Essence Training – working with Chakra energies
- Experienced in SKAN body therapy, one-on-one as well as groups
- Sälrig Hospice Training
- Member of ambulatory Hospizdienst "Lebensbogen e.V." Tibethaus Deutschland, Frankfurt
- Meditation and Tsa Lung Practice - Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
- Sonoterapia - Sound Therapy according to Román García Lampaya and Rafa Monsonis